Soft Fiber Basketry
May 18, 2025
Service Description
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2025 Time: 10am - 2pm Location: Pasadena Instructor: Rachel Natland Cost: $70 Basketry has much to teach us about how we move through the world. What kind of containers are we creating for our relationships? Are they flexible? Maybe too flexible? Are they rigid? Where are the boundaries of our relationship containers and what are their qualities? Where are we holding on to tight and where can we let go? Are we noticing when our relationships are in need of adjustment? Basketry can support us in answering all of these questions and more. Join us as we spend the day weaving, discussing, and growing together. This style of basketry teaches the fundamentals while being incredibly flexible in style and materials. We’ll use jute twine, but you can also use cattails, tules, wool, yarn, and other flexible materials. It’s also perfect for the nomadic lifestyle! Easy to carry with you and take out whenever you’ve got a few minutes to work on it. You can look forward to a fun and relaxing day of weaving.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your booking for a full refund, you must cancel no later than 15 days before the start date of the offering. All bookings are fully transferable to another student for the same class at any time. You must email us with the name and contact information of your transferee. Our offerings take place rain or shine. We very rarely cancel or refund for inclement weather.